Miss Pichen

Miss Pichen

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Drink It Up

Happy Wednesday everyone. We've already made it half way through the week. Yeah :)
In order to make the last couple of days more enjoyable, I thought I'd introduce you to my favourite hot drink at the moment. This is perfect for everyone who likes it healthy and delicious.

GREEN TEA - with a twist

All you're going to need is:

Organic Green Tea
Agave Nectar
Milk of your choice (I usually use soy or oat milk, but any kind works)
Cinnamon and Sugar (optional)

Now you just need to make a cup of green tea like you normally would. Heat up a splash of milk in a saucepan (or if you have a milk frother use that one). I then heavily froth my milk with this tiny milk frother and pour it in my green tea. Add a dash of agave nectar and stir it up. For a really cool caramalised crust sprinkle some cinnamon and sugar on top. It's as easy as that. Enjoy!

Let me know if you try it.

Keep smiling,


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